16 April 2007

Never to hurt youself

Continuation from previous post, today's worst and I really hate people who thinks that it is ART or COOL cos HONESTLY it's NOT artistic, neither is it cool to hurt yourself. Some very good examples are Self-Slashers, Smokers, Tattoolist etc. Those who actually pay to reduce their their own life spans are the worst type of all. Those that affect others deserve no respect to begin, i.e. Smokers, for they don't respect their own life.

I'm becoming aggressive day by day...what to do??

Oh yeah, Sister A showed my alot of lovable torture to her plushies, here for you

Hopfully the piggy's tail tweaks and breaks, LOL

Also not to forget Friend Fish at Fish & Co. !!!!! Haha, we've really celebrated her birthday like...2 weeks in advance!!! Lo

School's starting tomorrow and I might not have much time to write blog, but i'll try my best. I'm sure this semester, everything is going to be much much better. I must not lose hope!

Music of the day

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