16 April 2007

Powerful start of the semester

Looking at all the Freshies wandering around like new children exploring NYP really makes me feel older by 10 years and above, doesn't matter cos I'm graduating this year anyway.

I believed that this semester it will be a good one for a few reasons but bad in some ways. One good thing about this semester, I don't have to see arch enemies. Another good thing is a good start to kick my ass off some bad habits and start some like saving ($_$) haha.

Why do I say it's bad? Cos It's Monday Blues affliction again. Monday class from 9-6pm with only an hour break in between then CO @ 6.30pm till 9pm++. Oh how much I hate Mondays. Not to mention some of my beloved cliques went to attachment i.e. Friend Fish and Friend TH. I can't bullshit too much for there's more important stuffs to do right now. Catch you again later

Music the day
Some things will never be the same. Why? Cos it's never like it is before

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